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New York City Urban Affairs issues from City Limits Magazine

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New York City Manufacturing Land Use & Zoning Initiative

"Making it in New York"

PICCED and the Municipal Art Society will release a major Land Use and
Zoning Study of New York's Manufacturing Areas on June 28, 2001. They will be
joined by Environmental Justice Organizations, Community Based Development
groups and Manufacturing Advocates to propose major revisions to NYC Zoning
and Development Practices.


In a unique and precedent setting action, community-based organizations,
manufacturers and manufacturing advocates, environmental justice
organizations and real estate professionals, trade associations and unions
joined forces with MAS and the Pratt Institute Center for Community and
Environmental Development to put forth a comprehensive set of land use and
zoning recommendations.


The recommendations are based on the most exhaustive study of manufacturing
areas of New York City in over a decade. The groups comprising this emerging
coalition, who are often at odds with each other, are calling for a sweeping
reform of the City's zoning, land use and program initiatives that affect
manufacturing zones and other areas presently occupied by manufacturing uses.

The recommendations, which are based on a study of eight prototypical manufacturing
areas in the City, link economic development and job creation and retention objectives 

with environmental health and justice objectives.  The study is comprised of three volumes

including an executive summary that will be available online on June 28, 2001 at 4 PM.

Executive Summary Brochure (2.4MB)

Table of Contents Page


This page copyright June 2001 - 2017,

Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development (PICCED)

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