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Education and Training at PICCED

Education and Training at PICCED

The Pratt Center (PICCED) offers education and training programs for people of diverse backgrounds and widely varying formal academic preparation. Individuals design courses of study to meet their specific project needs or long-term career objectives in a program that combines fundamental planning and development theory with practical hands-on experience. PICCED has an extensive record in offering training and education programs to residents of low-income neighborhoods who are seeking to actively participate in the development of their communities.

Introductory workshops on community economic development are offered for national organizations, community organizers, and neighborhood residents. PICCED also periodically conducts special seminars which address specific policy issues that impact the quality of life in urban areas.

The primary training program offered by PICCED is the Pratt Community Economic Development Internship, a one-year certificate program that enables the staff of community-based nonprofits and related public agencies to apply the skills acquired in workshop sessions to actual housing and economic development projects or programs that they are currently planning or implementing for their organizations. As the primary source of training in community economic development in the tri-state region, the Internship has become a door of opportunity for populations (particularly minorities and women) that have been traditionally underrepresented in the fields of urban planning and development. Affiliated with the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment, the Internship enables its graduates to earn up to 30 credits of advanced standing in the Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning. Through this program, Pratt is not only able to increase the number of minorities and women who hold degrees in urban planning, but it is able to expand the cadre of skilled development professionals in the New York City area with a commitment to improving the physical, social, and economic conditions of low- and moderate-income urban communities. To date, the Internship has provided intensive training to almost 250 community leaders throughout the region.

Pratt's Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment offers a range of graduate degree opportunities. Centered on a Core Program in City and Regional Planning there are special concentrations in Community Economic Development, Environmental Planning and Management Systems, Historic Preservation, and Combined Degree Programs in Architecture and Planning, and Planning and Law.

In addition, PICCED develops curricula and organizational development programs for nonprofit entities engaged in community revitalization. Principle areas of training include strategic planning, staff capacity building, and leadership and board development. This past year, we created a community economic development curriculum and training materials for a national training series sponsored by the federal Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. This initiative was developed to prompt neighborhood-based groups and city-wide agencies throughout the country to engage in dialogue and create partnerships that will use community economic development strategies to help reduce the factors that lead to substance abuse in low-income communities. PICCED has provided training to nonprofit-public partnerships in over six states.

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This page copyright June 2001 - 2017,

Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development (PICCED)

Questions, comments, or suggestions should be sent to Mannix Gordon